Privacy policy

Personal data protection policy

Who is this policy aimed at?

This Privacy Policy aims to inform users of mobile apps, SIC intranet, or any other site owned by Astre that require them to enter personal data. To that end, Astre collects and processes information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

What is “personal data”?

Personal data is a concept defined by the regulations, in particular the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.

Personal data is any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. But because it concerns people, they must be able to remain in control of it.

A natural person can be identified:

  • directly (example: first and last name);
  • indirectly (e.g. by a telephone number or licence plate number, an identifier such as a social security number, a postal or e-mail address, but also voice or image).

The identification of a natural person is possible:

  • from a single piece of data (example: name);
  • from the cross-referencing of a set of data (e.g. a woman living at a specific address, born on a specific date and a member of a specific association)

However, the contact details of companies (e.g. “Company A” with its postal address, switchboard telephone number and a generic contact email “”) are not, in principle, considered as personal data.

What data do we collect?

Astre is aware of the need to collect only data required for the objective pursued, this is the “minimisation” principle.

The information we collect when you use our services may include, but is not limited to, information relating to:

  • your identification (last name, first name, gender, date of birth, login/password, languages, and more.);
  • your professional life (e-mail address, landline/mobile phone number, position, company, socio-professional category, etc.);
  • information sent to the support email address, available via the “Contact” page;
  • information you provide when you request information or assistance from us.

When you browse our websites and apps, technical data may also be collected in order for you to benefit from their functions. This technical data is necessary for the correct functioning of the sites or apps made available to you. This also allows us to manage and improve their performance.

The data processed in this context is that which you have entered on our websites or generated via the functions you use on them, as well as technical data from your device such as your IP address, the browser you use, the pages you have visited on the websites in question, the way you use them (browsing and clicks) and the duration of your sessions.

We use cookies to collect and process tracking data on our websites. Their functionality and the activation options for their use are explained in our Cookies Policy, which can be accessed in a separate section from the site’s home page.

Personal data of minors

The services and apps are not intended for children under the age of 18. We do not voluntarily collect personal data relating to children under the age of 18. If you realise that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with personal data without parental consent, we will take steps to delete that data and close the child’s account.

How do we share the data we collect?

We may share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:

  • with Astre affiliates, external service providers and partners that provide us with data processing services (for example, supporting delivery, providing functions, or helping to improve the security of our website), or that process your personal data in a different manner for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice or which are declared to you when we collect your personal data;
  • with a competent law enforcement agency, regulatory body, government agency, court or other third party, when such disclosure is deemed necessary in order to (i) comply with applicable laws or regulations, (ii) exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or, (iii) protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
  • with a prospective buyer (and its agents and advisers) in the frame of any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of part of our business, subject to informing the buyer that its use of your personal data must be limited to the purposes described in this notice;

with any other person with your consent to disclosure.

How do we store and secure the information we collect?

The personal data you provide us with is stored solely in France. Technical data is stored in Europe. We comply with generally accepted industry standards for protecting the personal data provided to us, both when it is transmitted and once it is received. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or via a mobile device, or any method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, although we strive to use commercially acceptable means of protecting personal data, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

How long is the data collected stored?

The data collected concerning the User will be kept for the period necessary for the purposes described above, namely 3 years from the date of the end of the commercial relationship, i.e. the date of the last contact from the Customer.

Your personal data may also be retained for longer periods of time in order to comply with specific legal obligations or applicable statutory limitation periods, for example:

  • 6 years for tax documents;
  • 10 years for accounting records;
  • where applicable, for the duration of the litigation and until all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.

How to control and access your data?

Users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete their personal data at any time. This right can be exercised directly by sending an email with a copy of their identity card to or by registered mail to the following address:

Le délégué à la protection des données
1 Rue de la mare aux joncs


The App is reserved for natural persons of legal age. The conditions for accessing the App’s different Services are presented below.

• Technical requirements

To benefit from the Service, the following conditions must be met:

  • Use a smartphone with a recent Android or iOS operating system (latest or previous version available)
  • Have an internet connection
  • Have a SIC Astre account in order to access the content
  • Download the Astre News mobile app from Play Store or Apple Store

• Receive notifications from the Application

If you want, you can accept to receive notifications from the App on your mobile phone. Receipt of these notifications is subject to Users’ acceptance by configuring the privacy settings of their devices and according to the specific conditions of access for the operating system used. Notifications may include alerts, sounds, and icons.

You can configure them in your App’s “Settings” menu to enable or disable this feature. Notifications from the Astre News App can be activated or deactivated at any time.

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