Our values & commitments
Our value-creating collective. Our actions and commitments embody our shared qualities. Our main priority for the future is our continued European growth, while never forgetting that people come first, as all our projects must be aimed at improving joint and individual well-being.
Mutual assistance and solidarity
This mutual assistance takes the form of concrete activities such as open days and hot meals provided during the COVID-19 pandemic, or drivers assisting each other with spontaneous breakdown repairs throughout the year. We should also mention the tributes to those who have passed on, joint activities to help solve recruitment problems or support for companies in difficulty. These values are not simply recorded in our internal rules, they are a living phenomenon, something tangible, lived and experienced since 1992 in all regions of our European network.
A culture of diversity and tailored solutions
Our Group’s members include both small businesses with a turnover of €2 million a year and intermediate-sized enterprises achieving in excess of €200 million. This is a great asset for Astre, as each of these companies contributes products and services, while gaining from bilateral interaction. The “tailored” aspect refers to our ability to provide differentiated solutions, adapted to the needs of our customers and more generally to those of the market. One example is the way the community of Italian members brought a positioning policy and distribution solution to the national market which existed nowhere else in Europe, with the Astre PLUS product.
The economic, social and environmental responsibility commitments we share throughout the Group, combined with those of each Astre company, offer genuine added value as part of our proposals. More than ever before, CSR helps improve the richness of our Group and our business proposals.
Proximity and a strong attachment to the European dimension
This was seen with the creation of an internal organisation to coordinate the network in France and Europe. In an all-digital age, more than ever before we need people out in the field, our Astrian missionaries, throughout Europe, visiting our members’ companies to convey our values, to encourage their implementation, to share them, to initiate projects, to build a dense network, to intensify cooperation and to embrace the complete range of products and services proposed by the Group.
Responsible entrepreneurs
This value is demonstrated on a daily basis through our members’ work. The Group itself seeks to uphold and promote the values of environmental commitment, maintaining service quality and social responsibility. This is identified on the basis of the ecologically and socially responsible activities of each SME in the network. Astre has now become an ecologically responsible group of entrepreneurs, with more than a quarter of the national hauliers covered by the Objectif CO2 label.
The Astre Group has been implementing CSR actions since it was founded in 1992, something which comes very naturally to us! Astre is comprised exclusively of individually committed SMEs, all integrated within their local environments, giving us an incredible richness and diversity. Bringing together these SMEs has naturally improved environmental performance, particularly through goods flow optimisation and the sharing of best practices. To capitalise on the various initiatives launched by the members and the Group’s entities, in 2018 Astre decided to officially structure its CSR commitments based on the 7 CSR challenges:
- Environment
- Human rights
- Governance of the organisation
- Fairness of practices
- Social
- Customer issues
- Territorial development
Astre confirms its CSR commitments with the awarding of labels:

View the Group’s CSR charter:
Le Monde du Transport Réuni
Le Monde du Transport Réuni is an association that brings together all the players in the profession, the main missions of which are to restore pride to all the employees and players in the sector, encourage new vocations for our professions, and make the general public aware of the challenges we face.
To that end, the association has launched a national communication campaign and intends to carry out actions in the field to reach as many people as possible.
Astre, as well as some of the Group’s members, are committed and contribute to the association so that together we can accomplish our mission.
Le Transport Recrute
In view of the recruitment difficulties in the transportation and logistics sector, professionals have joined forces to create their own dedicated platform. The platform specialises in road freight and passenger transport and has over 4,000 candidates.
Companies can browse all profiles: drivers, forklift operators, sales representatives, accountants, operators, etc.
Polar Pod

Astre, collective supporting member of the Polar Pod project